Clients’ Experience with The Intentional Breathing Class

“I had sleep issues for over 20 years. After a couple of weeks practicing the breathing exercises, I can sleep through the night!”

“I’ve been caring for my aging mom and was really having a tough morning. The class came right on time. It was so helpful in reducing some of the stress from that, I cried tears of happiness.”

“My blood pressure was high, my doctor warned me that if I couldn't reduce it with changes in diet and exercise, he would have to put me on medication. After practicing the breathing exercises a few minutes each day, one month later, my blood pressure was lower and medication was not necessary.”

“I used the breathing exercises to prepare for my brain tumor surgery. I was able to keep calm and much less stressed. It worked so well, I used the breathing exercises every day after my surgery. My doctor said my recovery was quicker than most. I still practice every day. It’s helped keep me relaxed and focused. “

“I wouldn't have gotten through my cancer treatments without the breathing.”

“I had a panic attack for the first time in my life. I immediately remembered the belly breathing ML taught me. After a few breaths, the panic attack stopped and I was able to calm myself down.

”I was on a turbulent flight with my kids, and I was anxious. I didn't want the kids to worry. I did the counting breathing exercise for a couple of minutes. It really calmed me down and help get me through the flight.”

“ML’s deep breathing techniques brought down my heart rate so that I could focus on my gameplay in volleyball games, especially when the crowd was loud and and I needed to tune into my serve. During each time out, the entire team would do a simple breathing exercise to help our team connect and perform better, together.”

“Having studied voice for a few years in college, I know how I am supposed to breathe, but not singing for a long time, combined with the hustle and stress of day to day life, I was not paying a bit of attention to my breath. ML's breathing class reminded me to be aware of the breath entering my stomach and lungs and to really reap the benefit(s) of something I am doing ALL the time. Her anecdotal stories of sitting in traffic and being aware of your breath, etc. were great reminders to me helping out with everyday life. I highly recommend ML's class!”